Sunday, March 25, 2012

Author Spotlight: Michelle Grogan

Hello all, Alicia Rasley here, and I wanted to take a moment to welcome our newest Author to the Spotlight. Michelle Grogan!

We are very excited to have Michelle spending some time with us. Please make sure to stop by the Author Spotlight page (you can find it at the top of the page, or just click Michelle's picture to the right) to find information about her and her book. In the meantime, check out her book (cover below) and leave a comment saying hi and letting us know you stopped by!


  1. Welcome, Michelle! Great to have you in the Spotlight. forbidden Love is such a powerful theme in literature. I'm curious to check out your interpretation of it. :)

  2. Hi Jesie! Great to be here!!! I'm glad you're interesting in checking out my version of the theme forbidden love - can't wait to hear what you think of it!!
