Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Author Interview with C.N.Bring

Today we welcome our first Author Interview. We were able to grab a few minutes with C.N. Bring Author of the Celia Kelly series. The Pact, The Lie and The Truth. You can find her at

First off I want to thank you for taking the time to sit down and answer a few questions for us. Let's start off easy.

What is your favorite place to escape to to read and/or write?
Sitting in an oversized easy chair with the sun coming in through the window.

What book do you have to have in your collection?
The Diary of Anne Frank is one of my favorites. It deals with racial discrimination of its day, danger, suspense and everyday people being forced by catastrophic events to become the unsung heroes of their time, making history.

What book do you wish you had in your collection?
The entire collection of Agatha Christie

What drove you to write the Celia Kelly series?
When I first had the idea for the story ten years ago, I decided to write about what I loved most. Mystery, suspense and the military. I have always been particularly intrigued by the Navy SEALs and Intelligence and decided to put them both together.
The first in the series is The Pact, then The Lie and the most recent The Truth. At the end of this year we hope to have The Disappearance out in time for Christmas.
I grew up in an Army family, and I have an Associates degree in Criminal Investigation, and so most people ask me why not Army Rangers instead of Navy SEALs? I simply chose the SEALs because I was intrigued by the elite nature of the group. 

What has been your favorite scene to write so far?
My favorite scenes are missions or rescues. They involve a lot of research, planning and consulting. They are not only fun to write but very interesting to me.
My favorite book I'm working on is always the book I'm working on at the time.

Who do you look up to in the writing field?
James Patterson's intrigue, Tom Clancy's detail, John Gresham's weaving and I love how Mary Higgins's Clark began her career later in life, as I have.

Give us your ideal day...anything you want, the sky is the limit...
Begin with a great cup of coffee...prayer time...six good hours of writing and if I lived closer to my grandchildren the perfect day would be a couple of hours of them in the afternoon!

Books into movies...what are your thoughts? Good idea or should they leave well enough alone?
I think there are some books that are interpreted well into movies, but the more detailed the book the harder it is to capture the whole content accurately.  If I took my books to the screen, I'd consider a TV Series where you could use most all content in a continuing format. It would be easier to stay true to details.

And finally, Wine, coffee, or tea with your books?
Personally, I prefer Chamomile Tea

Thank you so much for sharing with us today!

Stay tuned with us folks, we have more guest reviews and interviews on the way :) 

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